This site contains most of the written reasons for judgment, and reasons for sentencing of the Yukon Courts since January 2006. Decisions released since 2001 are being added as time and resources allow.
Accessing Judgments
This site contains most of the written reasons for judgment, and reasons for sentencing of the Yukon Courts since January 2006. Decisions released since 2001 are being added as time and resources allow.
These judgments are posted on the website as a public service and may not be a complete collection of all decisions released by the Yukon Courts. A collection of judgments of the Yukon Courts is also posted on CanLII, ( including those prior to 2001. Certain decisions, which are subject to a publication ban or for reasons of individual privacy, are not available on this site. Many of the Courts’ judgments are delivered orally and may not be added to the website.
Note: The official version of the reasons for judgments is the signed original or handwritten endorsement in the court file. In the event that there is a question about the content of a judgment, the original in the court file takes precedence.
All of our judgments are available in PDF format. You will require the free Adobe Reader software installed on your computer to read them.
Name of Case
Date of Decision
Name of Case
Date of Decision
Name of Case
Date of Decision
Name of Case
Date of Decision
Name of Case
Date of Decision
Name of Case
Date of Decision
Name of Case
Date of Decision
Name of Case
Date of Decision
Name of Case
Date of Decision
Name of Case
Date of Decision
Name of Case
Date of Decision
Name of Case
Date of Decision
Name of Case
Date of Decision
Name of Case
Date of Decision
Name of Case
Date of Decision
Name of Case
Date of Decision
Name of Case
Date of Decision